
We believe in looking at a past long ago where health was mostly reliant on simple solutions. Using plants to support the body daily through life. Simple formulas that you prepare then toss within 24hours of mixing with water. Formulas made with dried plants that could come from the back garden. Simple ways to keep balance within the body systems naturally….in the Old Way.

We prep it…You make it!

Best sellers

Herbal Head Steamers (Gentle)

Head Steamers

Wild Cherry Bark Dry Cough Syrup Kit

Syrup Kits

Cool Down Compress

Cold Compress

Herbal Sun Tea Peppermint Lavender

Sun Teas

Plants to live within a Spiritual Wind
Tapped root, grounded, pinned
Symbiotic closeness to create within
An enduring scene to travel suspend
Colors bright in black of night
To hold truth…Divine delight
Tapestry woven landscapes shift
Sprawling Stretching simply forming medicine
The ground alive and transferring life
To give to you Earthly unselfishness outright
These plants that we hold dear make way for transformation within any day
And the body to receive so much more than it gives
Makes a place for an herb called home once again

Handmade in Golden, Colorado

Simple ways to keep balance within the body systems naturally….in the Old Way.

Meet Jessica

Creator, Entrepreneur, Clinical Herbalist
But First and Foremost, a Mom seeking Clean Herbal Solutions

A Modern Twist on an Old Way of approaching Herbalism Support for Ailments…and we will teach You to learn how to do it Yourself

Bath Soaks

Focused Tea Blends

Clay Masks

Hydrosol Sprays

Head Steamers

Making plants accessible to each and every household first aid kit while staying true to the natural state of plant integrity

Living Market Company

Living Market CompanyEach Individual packet has the same quantity of herbs used so that you will receive the same experience time after time.

Mason Jar Fermented

We want to show you what not using Living Market Company Products looks like if you made them and don’t use them quickly. After 24hours, this Bath Soak has started fermenting and bacteria has started to grow. No preservatives equal limited time window to use your product once it is made.

In Living Moment

A Holistic Lifestyle Blog


"Very gently and quietly, almost as if it were the blood singing in her veins, or the water [...]

The Earth and the Human body were created to benefit each other in a tangible, beneficial union of give and take energetically & physically. Plant medicine is formed to honor our coexistence.

Our beautiful, custom floral watercolors
are hand-painted
Out of Durango, CO

Selfie of Jessica at the Cherry Creek Market
Golden Farmers Market

Saturday’s June 3rd to October 7th
2023 Season 8am-1pm
Fresh Local Food

Handmade with love

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